About The Intern


As Santa Fe Community College Student Government continues to create awareness of our students' potential within the community, a new breed of public relations is needed. SFCC students are highly educated, determined, and passionate individuals. With the support of SFCC students, a thriving Gainesville community is inevitable. SFCC provides the essential component of economic growth-an educated workforce-and provides students of diverse backgrounds with the skills needed to work creatively and proficiently within the community.

To communicate this message, SFCC Student Government has developed "The Intern," a competition based on NBC's hit television show, "The Apprentice." Eight SFCC students will vie for an internship with Mayor Pegeen Hanrahan and only one will win.


How "The Intern" works

Contestants will be split into two co-ed teams and put to the test by completing tasks. Student Government has developed community beterment tasks with local organizations such as Habitat for Humanity, Shands Childrens Hospital, St. Francis House, and The Alachua County School Board. Tasks will remain confidential until Mayor Hanrahan announces them each week. Afterwards, teams will choose a leader and organize a strategy for out-performing their opponents. The teams will have on average four days (Tuesday to Friday) to plan for each task. Please see the the Calendar of Events for scheduled tasks dates. The following Monday, one person will be eliminated from the competition and the other contestants will move on in the competition. This process will continue until only one contestant is left.


Opening Ceremony

The opening ceremony for "The Intern" will be a dinner held at the Savannah-Grand on September 19 with key note speaker Mayor Hanrahan. Student Government will introduce the contestants and the first task will be announced. Invited to this spectacular event will be:

• City and County commissioners
• SFCC Board of Trustees
• City of Gainesville Chamber of Commerce
• SFCC Endowment Board, Administration and Student Government
• Sponsoring organizations
• David Greenberg Communications
• All local media

The evening will include entertainment and provide all that attend an opportunity to discuss their involvement with the noble cause of seeing SFCC students succeed.


The Hiring Ceremony

The hiring ceremony for "The Intern" will be held on November 9 in the Oak Grove at Santa Fe Community College. The winner of the competition will be "hired" by Mayor Hanrahan and will be awarded his/her prizes. The event will be open to all members of the Gainesville community.



• Winner-an in-state, 15 credit scholarship and a $350 book stipend
• First runner-up-12 credit scholarship and a $350 book stipend
• Second and third runner-up-12 credit scholarship
• Fourth and fifth runner-up-9 credit scholarship
• Sixth and seventh runner-up-6 credit scholarship

The winner will also receive the internship with Mayor Hanrahan and a cash prize


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