Task Three
Objective: To benefit the children at Shands children's ward

October 7, 2004
Task Three Information Sheet

Gainesville, Fl- The air was filled with excitement and the enthusiasm level was very high as the six remaining competitors in "The Intern" played with some of the patients last week at Shands Children's Hospital.
The task for the two teams, whose members are vying for an internship with Gainesville Mayor Pegeen Hanrahan, was to demonstrate an ability to identify and fulfill the needs of others. The others in this case were a group of patients at the hospital. In addition to providing gifts for the patients, the teams had to participate in a three-part competition that included a bean-bag toss, pictionary and an activity created by each team.
Both teams used patient substitutes for the two initial activities, and in most cases, the patients did better than the contestants. For its created activity, Team LEAD took the patients on an imaginary dream vacation. Honor Incorporated had pictures with the Easter Bunny, along with having the patients bowl and draw a giant mural.
Shands Child Life Team Leader Marilyn Close-Battoe served as one of the mentors for the activity. She was required to make a recommendation to the mayor about which contestant should be eliminated, and in Hanrahan's words, "…go back to school," it is a task that she says is challenging.
"Both teams were great," said Close-Battoe. "I think I was more impressed though with Team LEAD. They really got the message that the children were important. They were the first team to get the children to participate, and they even helped and cheered during Team Honor's activities."
For both teams, this task was special. "By far this was the most rewarding task so far," said Team LEAD Captain Amy Keyser, a Santa Fe Community College food science major. "Not only were we helping the community, but we were helping people too."
Honor Incorporated Captain Katie Theokisto agreed: "while this was really hard work, it was much more fulfilling to get to help the kids."
Hanrahan picked Team LEAD as the winning team during the elimination round at city hall on Monday. The mentors' input and a vote from the patients-which was an even match between both teams-helped Hanrahan decide the winning team.
Hanrahan commended the losing team, Honor Incorporated, for buying gifts for the patients at locally owned stores, but pointed out that the team did not follow directions. The team planned on giving candy to the patients, which is against hospital guidelines.
"It was something that went back to following directions, and the guidelines set for the children at Shands Children's Hospital, Hanrahan said, "Which is important to any job."
Katie Theoktisto, who is duel enrolled in Hawthorne High School and SFCC, was the third contestant to be eliminated since the competition began in September. Theoktisto will receive a nine-credit scholarship for participating.
"It was a fun experience," she said, "One that I'll put on my resume."
For this week's task, contestants will demonstrate how quickly they can learn a new skill by working with Alachua Habitat for Humanity to complete a Celebration Oaks home.
"The Intern" is presented by the Student Government at Santa Fe Community College.