Gallery One

Here is a few samples of my artwork. Each piece is hand colored, so colors may vary slightly. Underneath each piece is a poem I have written. The poems have been re-typed so as to be readable online. Pictures may appear "fuzzy" due to computer graphics, for these are only meant to serve as samples.

The Prairie

In the core of our being is a purpose uniquely our own.
Our essence is that which blossoms within, setting us apart from all else.




Pretty Kitty

Pretty kitty with inquisitive stare, tell me the secrets of which you're aware. With eyes so deep, your gaze transcends, the calm of my soul, into love with no end.





Rocking Chair

My soul awaits in the morning light, with heartfelt joy, and pure delight. Each new day that comes to me, expands with love, so joyfully.





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